7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Attosecond pulse shaping of X-ray free-electron lasers and applications to coherent control in quantum systems

7 May 2023, 14:00
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC2.A06: Free Electron Lasers Student Poster Session


River Robles (Stanford University)


The development of high-power, attosecond methods at free-electron lasers has led to new possibilities in the probing and control of valence electron dynamics. Beyond simple observation of ultrafast processes, one of the longstanding goals of atomic physics is control of the electronic wavefunction on attosecond timescales. We present a scheme to generate sub-femtosecond pulse pairs from x-ray free-electron lasers with fs-scale separation, few eV energy separation, and a coherent phase relationship. This shaping method can be employed to coherently control ultrafast electronic wavepackets in quantum systems. We study in detail the Auger-Meitner decay process initiated by such a pulse pair and demonstrate that quantum beats of the decaying electronic wavepacket can be shaped by controlling the separation in energy and time of the pulse pair.

Funding Agency

Department of Energy, LDRD program at SLAC contract DE-AC02-76SF00515. Also the Stanford Graduate Fellowship and the Stanford Siemann Fellowship.

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River Robles (Stanford University)


Agostino Marinelli (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) James Cryan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Zhirong Huang (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

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