Emerson Rogers
(Old Dominion University)
An accelerating charged particle emits electromagnetic radiation. The motion of the particle is further damped via self-interaction with its own radiation. For relativistic particles, the subsequent motion is described via a correction to the Lorentz force, known as the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac force.
The aim of this research is to use the Lorentz-Abraham-Dirac force to computationally simulate the radiation damping that occurs during nonlinear inverse Compton scattering. We build on our previous work and the code which simulates single-emission inverse Compton scattering to incorporate the effect of multiple emissions, thereby modeling the radiation reaction.
Funding Agency
This work was supported by US NSF CAREER grant # 184771.
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Emerson Rogers
(Old Dominion University)
Balsa Terzic
(Old Dominion University)
Elizabeth Breen
(Old Dominion University)
Erik Johnson
(Old Dominion University)
Geoffrey Krafft
(Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility)