7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Impact of two-dimensional decoherence on the measurement of resonance driving terms

10 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Laguna

Sala Laguna

Poster Presentation MC5.D02: Non linear Single Particle Dynamics Resonances, Tracking, Higher Order, Dynamic Aperture, Code Deve Wednesday Poster Session


Rogelio Tomas (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


In the presence of a tune spread induced by chromaticity or amplitude detuning, decoherence will lead to the damping of the beam centroid motion after a single transverse excitation. This in turn has implications for the analysis of turn-by-turn based optics measurements, as it affects the precision of the spectral analysis. In the past, it has been shown how the effect of decoherence on spectral lines in a single plane can be accounted for. In this paper, this work will be extended to include the effect from both transverse planes. The derivations are then applied on data taken at the IOTA ring at FNAL to study resonance driving terms.

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Michael Hofer (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Rogelio Tomas (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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