7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

High-efficiency industrial 130 kW cw solid-state RF amplifier for 1.3 GHz

10 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC7.T08: RF Power Sources Wednesday Poster Session


Mirco Nedos (Cryoelectra GmbH)


A new 1.3 GHz solid-state high-power RF amplifier (SSA) has been built for the Lighthouse project in close cooperation between Cryoelectra and RI Research Instruments. The amplifier was developed by Cryoelectra as a scalable compact system with an RF-power density of 40 kW/m². Its industrial design is very reliable and easy to maintain. The SSA delivers a continuous RF output power of more than 130 kW with a wall-plug efficiency of 64% and with very low phase noise.
The power is generated by 40 patented RF amplifier modules each containing 8 GaN transistor units. Their outputs are combined by a coaxial 8-way combiner in the center of the module. Each module is connected to the 4x10-way cable-free wave guide combiner network and can be exchanged in case of faults within minutes thanks to quick connectors. A sophisticated control system continuously monitors the state of all components for reliable machine and personnel protection.


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Mirco Nedos (Cryoelectra GmbH) Nico Pupeter (Cryoelectra GmbH) Veronika Wied (Cryoelectra GmbH)


Björn Keune (RI Research Instruments GmbH) Christoph Quitmann (RI Research Instruments GmbH) Guido Blokesch (RI Research Instruments GmbH)

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