7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Beam-Impact Validation of HL-LHC Collimator Materials: the "MultiMat-2" Experiment

10 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC7.T19: Collimation Wednesday Poster Session


Carlotta Accettura (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


In 2017, a proton-impact test HL-LHC collimator materials was carried out in the HiRadMat facility at CERN. The experiment, called “MultiMat”, enabled the testing of bulk and coated materials developed at CERN for different beam collimation functionalities. Manufacturing of these materials was then passed to the industry, leading to a series production for use in the collimators installed in the LHC during Long Shutdown 2 (LS2). The industrial versions of bulk and coating materials were tested in HiRadMat in 2021 in the “MultiMat-2” experiment, that efficiently re-used of the same experimental test bench as for “MultiMat”. This new experiment proved the reliability of the absorbers installed in LS2, and confirmed the possible use of alternative materials and coatings for the next LS3 collimator production. This paper describes the preparation and beam parameters of “MultiMat-2”, the experimental and data-acquisition equipment and the main results of the experiment.

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Federico Carra (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Alessandro Bertarelli (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Ana Teresa Perez Fontenla (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Anton Lechner (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Antonio Perillo Marcone (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Carlotta Accettura (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Didier Glaude (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Edoardo Farina (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Emilien Rigutto (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Emmanuel Berthome (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Francois-Xavier Nuiry (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jorge Guardia (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Michael Guinchard (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Nikolaos Charitonidis (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Oscar Sacristan De Frutos (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Pascal Simon (GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung GmbH) Roderik Bruce (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Stefano Redaelli (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Stephan Pfeiffer (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN)) Wil Vollenberg (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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