Henrique de Oliveira Caiafa Duarte
(MAX IV Laboratory)
The MAX IV 100 MHz RF cavities are the main contributors for the 3 GeV storage ring longitudinal coupled bunch instabilities. With the knowledge of strong higher order modes (HOMs) since the design stage of the cavities, extra ports are present for the future HOM dampers. This contribution presents the electromagnetic and mechanical designs and the thermal simulation for the HOM damper prototypes. They are planned to be installed during the summer 2023 shutdown in one of the 6 cavities of the 3 GeV ring.
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Henrique de Oliveira Caiafa Duarte
(MAX IV Laboratory)
Ake Andersson
(MAX IV Laboratory)
David Olsson
(MAX IV Laboratory)
Karl Åhnberg
(MAX IV Laboratory)
Mohammad Al-Najdawi
(MAX IV Laboratory)
Pedro Tavares
(University of Lund )