7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

HPRF SSPA System for RAON SRF cavities

10 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC7.T08: RF Power Sources Wednesday Poster Session


Kyungtae Seol (Institute for Basic Science)


The heavy-ion accelerator of the Rare Isotope Science Project (RISP) in Korea has been developed. There are three types of SRF cavity, which are 81.25MHz quarter-wave resonator (QWR), 162.5MHz half-wave resonator (HWR), 325MHz single-spoke resonator (SSR). There are 22 QWRs and 102 HWRs in the superconducting linac#3 (SCL3), and 69 SSR1s and 144 SSR2s in the superconducting linac#2 (SCL2). The required RF power is 4kW for each QWR, 4kW for each HWR, 8kW for each SSR1, and 20kW for each SSR2. The high power RF SSPAs for the SRF cavities have been developed and fabricated with domestic companies. 325MHz 20kW SSPAs have been designed and fabicated to test the prototype of the SSR2 SRF cryomodule including six SSR2 cavities. They were designed to enable full-reflection operation at all times. It consists of four 6kW power-units, four 6kW circulator units, 4-way combiner, a control unit, a power distribution unit, and cooling water inlet/outlet manifolds in each 19“ rack. The power-unit has six 1.2kW pallets and circulators, and three power packs. This paper describes the design and fabrication of the SSPA systems for the RAON SRF cavities.

Funding Agency

This work was supported by the Rare Isotope Science Project of Institute for Basic cience funded by Ministry of Science and ICT and NRF of Korea (2013M7A1A1075764).

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Kyungtae Seol (Institute for Basic Science)


Oh Ryong Choi (Institute for Basic Science) Hyunik Kim (Institute for Basic Science) Do Yoon Lee (Institute for Basic Science) Ki Taek Son (Institute for Basic Science)

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