7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Basic high-power design of a 1.5-GHz TM020-type harmonic cavity for the KEK future light source

10 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC7.T06: Room Temperature RF Wednesday Poster Session


Takaaki Yamaguchi (Sokendai, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies)


In ultralow-emittance synchrotron light sources, harmonic RF cavities are very useful to lengthen the beam bunches by which the adverse effects due to intrabeam scattering can be mitigated. We are developing a 1.5-GHz TM020-type normal-conducting harmonic cavity which is to be used for the KEK future light source project. The harmonic cavity using the TM020 resonant mode has distinct advantages such as: 1) small RF-voltage fluctuation under the transient beam loading, and 2) sophisticated parasitic-mode damping structure which locates at the node of the accelerating field. In our design, we optimized* the inner shape of the cavity so that the coupling impedances due to parasitic modes were minimized. To minimize the losses of accelerating field in the parasitic-mode damping structure, we arranged three frequency-tuners symmetrically and devised an optimum loop of an input coupler, by which an axial symmetry of the cavity was almost maintained. Based on these concepts, we conducted a basic design of high-power cavity including thermal-structural analysis, which will be presented in this paper.

Funding Agency

This work is supported by JSPS KAKENHI Grant Numbers JP17K05131 and JP20H04459 and JST SPRING Grant Number JPMJSP2104.


  • T. Yamaguchi et al., IPAC2021, MOPAB343.
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Takaaki Yamaguchi (Sokendai, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies)


Naoto Yamamoto (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Daichi Naito (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Takeshi Takahashi (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Shogo Sakanaka (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)

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