7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

LHC low beta quadrupole magnets: cryogenic refrigeration capacity and improved controls for luminosity optimization

10 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC7.T13: Cryogenics Wednesday Poster Session


Benjamin Bradu (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


The LHC low-beta quadrupole magnets, also known as “Inner Triplets”, are the final focusing magnets located on each side of the LHC interaction points. The design of the currently operated LHC Inner Triplets is based on NbTi superconducting technology. The magnets are operated in superfluid helium and use a longitudinal heat exchanger to extract the power deposited by the secondary particles coming from the proton collisions. The dynamic heat load in the Inner Triplet is proportional to the LHC luminosity and due to the recent upgrades of LHC and its injectors, the cryogenic capacity limit can be reached in ATLAS and CMS experiments where the luminosity can go slightly beyond the LHC ultimate values. This paper summarizes the history of the Inner Triplet cryogenics with the dedicated tests performed in the past to assess their cooling capacity. Then, it describes the optimization-oriented techniques implemented in the cryogenic process control system to handle the luminosity transients and finally presents a new process control interaction between the cryogenic system and the LHC levelling server, towards a high-level optimization of the achieved LHC luminosity without loss of the cryogenic conditions.

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Benjamin Bradu (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Krzysztof Brodzinski (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Gerard Ferlin (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Vanessa Gahier (European Organization for Nuclear Research) maxime Younes Cronnier (UniLaSalle Amiens)

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