7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Assessment of beam-intercepting device robustness for intensity increase in CERN’s North Area

10 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC7.T20: Targetry and Dumps Wednesday Poster Session


Calum Sharp (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


CERN's North Area comprises several target and experimental systems and is a zone of interest for future development. Provision of beam to this area relies upon several beam-intercepting devices located in various branched transfer lines from the Super Proton Synchrotron. In several lines, these include a primary production target system of beryllium plates followed by a combined collimation, attenuation and dump device made from a set of aluminum, copper and iron blocks and known as a 'TAX' (Target Attenuator [for] eXperimental areas). These may operate in a range of configurations depending on experimental needs. Future operational regimes with higher beam intensities (increased from a current specification of 1.5×10^13 to 4.0×10^13 p+/pulse), shorter pulse times (4.8 s reduced to 1.2 s), greater repetition rates (14.4 s cycle time reduced to 7.2 s) and ten times the annual intensity place more stringent thermo-structural demands on these existing devices, beyond their original specification. This contribution outlines the engineering analysis, including beam-matter interaction studies and thermo-structural simulations, carried out to assess their robustness under such conditions.

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Calum Sharp (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Johannes Bernhard (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Markus Brugger (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Marco Calviani (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Rui Franqueira Ximenes (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Matthew Fraser (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jean-Louis Grenard (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Antonio Lafuente (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Michael Lazzaroni (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Giuseppe Mazzola (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Rebecca Ramjiawan (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Alvaro Romero Francia (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Luigi Salvatore Esposito (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Francisco Sanchez Galan (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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