7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Harmonic RF cavity design for 4th Generation Synchrotron Light Sources

10 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC7.T06: Room Temperature RF Wednesday Poster Session


Xuerui Hao (Wuhan University)


In the radio-frequency system of synchrotron light sources, it is necessary to lengthen the bunches by creating harmonic cavities to improve the beam lifetime. In this paper, we propose three harmonic cavity designs: TM010 mode cavity, TM020 mode cavity, and dual mode cavity, with the Wuhan Advanced Light Source (WALS) as the background. By comparing the beam quality, beam lifetime, and radio-frequency system conditions, a more suitable harmonic cavity system is proposed for the fourth generation synchrotron light source.


TM010 mode RF cavity, TM020 mode RF cavity, double mode RF cavity, Harmonic RF

Funding Agency

Supported by Science and Technology Major Project of Hubei Province (2021AFB001)

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Xuerui Hao (Wuhan University) Dr Ye Zou (Wuhan University) HaoHu Li (Wuhan University) Dr Yuancun Nie (Wuhan University) Yuan Chen (Wuhan University) Jike Wang (Wuhan University) Pai Xiang (Wuhan University) Geng Wei (Wuhan University) Jianhua He (Wuhan University)

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