7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Conceptual design of multipole injection kicker magnets for the ILSF storage ring

10 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC7.T09: Room Temperature Magnets Wednesday Poster Session


Kowthar Noori (Iran University of Science and Technology)


The standard injection scheme of ILSF is composed of 2 septum and 4 kicker magnets installed in a 7-meter-long straight section. Further tuning of the 4 kicker devices to reduce perturbations has proven to be almost impossible since it requires having 4 identical magnets, electronics, and Ti-coated ceramic chambers. Different from pulsed dipole kicker magnets used in a conventional local-bump injection, the single nonlinear or multipole kicker provides a nonlinear distribution of magnetic fields, which has a maximum value off the axis where the injected beam arrives and a zero or near-zero value at the center where the stored beam passes by. So, here the designs of different multipole kickers, including sextupole, octupole, and a nonlinear kicker, have been investigated and compared.


*farhad.saeidi@ipm.ir, saeidi.farhad@gmail.com

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Farhad Saeidi (Iranian Light Source Facility) Zakiyeh Azami (Iranian Light Source Facility)


Esmaeil Ahmadi (Iranian Light Source Facility) Kowthar Noori (Iran University of Science and Technology) Azar Tafrihi (sepideh)

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