7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Affordable, efficient injection-locked magnetrons for superconducting cavities

10 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC7.T08: RF Power Sources Wednesday Poster Session


Jerry Wessel (Richardson Electronics Ltd) Milorad Popovic (Muons, Inc) Stephen Kahn (Muons, Inc) Thomas Blassick (Richardson Electronics Ltd) Tony Wynn (Muons, Inc)


The cost of a klystron for the SNS is estimated to be in the $200K range. A magnetron with the same power level is about one-fourth the cost. With ancillary equip-ment to functionally duplicate the performance of the klystron and allowing for the reduced lifetime of the magnetron compared to the klystron, about half the cost. Additional operational cost savings are related to the 805 MHz magnetron 90% efficiency, which for some applica-tions is twice that of a corresponding klystron.

Funding Agency

DOE SBIR grant DE-SC0022586

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Milorad Popovic (Muons, Inc)


Grigory Kazakevich (Muons, Inc) Jerry Wessel (Richardson Electronics Ltd) Mary Anne Cummings (Muons, Inc) Michael Neubauer (Muons, Inc) Rolland Johnson (MuPlus, Inc.) Stephen Kahn (Muons, Inc) Thomas Blassick (Richardson Electronics Ltd) Tony Wynn (Muons, Inc)

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