7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Designs and measurements of a new Superbend-magnet for WALS

10 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC7.T09: Room Temperature Magnets Wednesday Poster Session


Pai Xiang (Wuhan University)


In order to provide hard X-rays with a 1.5 GeV electron ring, a new superbend-magnet will be used in the middle of each standard cell at Wuhan Advanced Light Source (WALS). The design, assembly, and detailed magnetic measurement of the superbend-magnet prototype has been finished. It is a three-stage combined magnet, with a high-field permanent magnet in the middle and two low-field electromagnets with transverse gradient on each side. The results of magnetic measurement show that the central magnetic field reaches 3.67 T in a gap of 14.72 mm, and the range of high field region(>3.5 T) is larger than 40 mm in the longitudinal direction. The uniformity of the field integral is controlled below 5E−4 across the good field region. Two low-field magnets are designed as water-cooled resistive magnets which can be used to correct the integrated dipole and quadrupole components.

Funding Agency

Supported by Science and Technology Major Project of Hubei Province (2021AFB001)

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Pai Xiang (Wuhan University) Yuan Chen (Wuhan University) Jingmin Zhang (Wuhan University) Qiaogen Zhou (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)


Geng Wei (Wuhan University) Jike Wang (Wuhan University) Xuerui Hao (Wuhan University) Yu Xin Zhang (Wuhan University) Dr Yuancun Nie (Wuhan University) Dr Ye Zou (Wuhan University) HaoHu Li (Wuhan University) Jianhua He (Wuhan University) Jidong Zhang (Shanghai Synchrotron Radiation Facility) Yongzhou He (Shanghai Institute of Applied Physics)

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