7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Fabrication progress of the prototype spoke cavity for the JAEA-ADS linac

9 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC4.A08: Linear Accelerators Tuesday Poster Session


Jun Tamura (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)


The Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA) has been proposing an accelerator-driven system (ADS) as a future nuclear system to efficiently reduce high-level radioactive waste generated in nuclear power plants. As a first step toward the full-scale design of the CW proton linac for the JAEA-ADS, we are now prototyping a low-beta (around 0.2) single-spoke cavity. The actual cavity fabrication started in 2020. Most of the cavity parts were shaped in fiscal year 2020 by press-forming and machining. In 2021, we started welding the shaped cavity parts together. By preliminarily investigating the optimum welding conditions using mock-up test pieces, each cavity part was joined with a smooth welding bead. So far, we have fabricated the body section and the beam port section of the cavity. By measuring the resonant frequency of the temporarily assembled cavity, we have confirmed that there is no significant problem with the cavity fabrication. In this paper, fabrication progress of the prototype spoke cavity is presented.

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Jun Tamura (Japan Atomic Energy Agency)


Yasuhiro Kondo (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Fujio Maekawa (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC)) Shin-ichiro Meigo (Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC)) Bruce Yee-Rendon (Japan Atomic Energy Agency) Takeshi Dohmae (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Eiji Kako (Sokendai, the Graduate University for Advanced Studies) Hiroshi Sakai (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization) Kensei Umemori (High Energy Accelerator Research Organization)

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