7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

The double drift harmonic buncher (DDHB) and acceptance investigations at linac and cyclotron injections

9 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC4.A08: Linear Accelerators Tuesday Poster Session


Ezgi Sunar (Goethe University Frankfurt)


Particle accelerators demand high particle transmission and reduced longitudinal emittance; hence, effective bunching systems are requested. The concept based on an efficient, compact design called “Double Drift Harmonic Buncher - DDHB” fulfills these two requirements for a c.w. or pulsed beam injection into an RFQ, a DTL, or a cyclotron. The proposal is associated with two buncher cavities separated by a drift space and an additional drift at the end of the system for a longitudinal beam focus at the entrance of the next accelerator unit, whose candidates can be one of those mentioned above. The investigations are focused on exploring accurate acceptance rates. To obtain successful and understandable outputs from the DDHB concept, a new multi-particle tracking beam dynamics code called “Bunch Creation from a DC beam - BCDC” has been developed for detailed investigations of space charge effects. It allows to calculate the transformation of intense dc beams into particle bunches in detail with a selectable degree of space charge compensation at every location. This paper presents the results from various investigations with and without space charge effects.

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Ezgi Sunar (Goethe University Frankfurt)


Ulrich Ratzinger (Goethe University Frankfurt) Rudolf Tiede (Goethe University Frankfurt)

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