7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Pre-experiment of 70 MeV H- cyclotron for producing ISOL RI beam

9 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC4.A13: Cyclotrons Tuesday Poster Session


Yeong Heum Yeon (Institute for Basic Science)


The RAON ultra-low energy experiment team decided that the first experiment was to accelerate the proton 70 MeV using a cyclotron and collide with the SiC target to generate a radioactive isotope beam. Before this experiment, a preliminary experiment was conducted to confirm the exact location and shape of the proton beam before directly colliding with the target to generate a lot of radiation or prevent the loss of the target. The pre-experiment was done to understand the characteristics of the proton beam at the target position by configuring the faraday cup, wire grid, collimator, and slit inside the proton module. The beam current was from 1~1.5 μA, and the beam size was confirmed under the slit size 2˟2 cm2.

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Yeong Heum Yeon (Institute for Basic Science)


Seongjin Heo (Institute for Basic Science) Jong-Won Kim (Institute for Basic Science) Dong-Joon Park (Institute for Basic Science) Wonjoo Hwang (Institute for Basic Science) Hee-Joong Yim (Institute for Basic Science) Jae-Won Jeong (Institute for Basic Science) Takashi Hashimoto (Institute for Basic Science) Kyoung-Hun Yoo (Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology) Jin-Ho Lee (Institute for Basic Science)

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