A first beam dynamics and RF design of an Alvarez-type drift tube linac (DTL) has been defined in the framework of the EU project, HITRIplus. Its main application is to be exploited as a carbon (12C4+) and helium (4He2+) ion injector into a compact synchrotron for patient treatment. As a second implementation, helium particle acceleration with a higher duty cycle of 10% enables the possibility for radioisotope production. The 352.2 MHz structure efficiently accelerates two ion species, for A/q=3 and 2, in the energy range of 1÷5 MeV/u and for a beam current of ~0.5 mA. The design extends to a full length of ~7 meters. Permanent magnet quadrupoles are utilized all along the DTL for focusing both ion beams. This paper presents a first-phase analysis towards a realistic DTL design capable of providing full beam transmission and minimum overall emittance increase for two ion beams.
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