7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

PLAN - from LS2 to RUN3-LS3 and outcomes from the first RUN3-LS3 PLAN exercise

9 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Mosaici 2

Sala Mosaici 2

Poster Presentation MC4.A24: Accelerators and Storage Rings, Other Tuesday Poster Session


Fernando Dos Santos Pedrosa (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


The CERN-wide coordination of the programmed stops requires a tool to centralize and collect all the activities at a macroscopic scale. It includes the activities foreseen during Long Shutdowns (LS) and Year End Technical Stops (YETS).

The CERN tool named PLAN centralises all the activities foreseen by the Groups, to have a global strategic view, assessing priorities across CERN. Thanks to the tool, arbitration processes are possible with Programmed Stops coordination, Groups and Departments. The LS2 (2018-2022) experience and the similarity of needs made the PLAN tool the obvious choice to fulfill this function for the period following the LS2.

However, this tool needs some significant changes to be adapted to the constraints defined by the Run3 (2022-2025) programmed stops and previous Shutdown completion (LS2). The paper will describe the methodology to define the changes, the improvements implemented, and future developments, to support more effectively the CERN-wide coordination.

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Fernando Dos Santos Pedrosa (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Ayla Borglund (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Benoit Daudin (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Estrella Vergara Fernandez (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Jean-Philippe Tock (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Katy Foraz (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Marzia Bernardini (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Rodrigo Lanza Herrero (European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN))

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