7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Simulations and experimental studies for an X-band short-pulse ultra-high gradient photoinjector

9 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC3.A16: Advanced Concepts Tuesday Poster Session


John Power (Argonne National Laboratory)


A program is under way at the Argonne Wakefield Accelerator (AWA) facility, in collaboration with Euclid Techlabs and Northern Illinois University (NIU) to develop a GV/m-scale photocathode gun, with the goal of producing bright electron bunches. The novel X-band (11.7 GHz) photo-gun (Xgun) is powered by high-power, short rf pulses (9 ns), which are generated by the AWA drive beam in a wakefield structure. In the first series of experiments, the Xgun produced ~400 MV/m peak field on the photocathode surface. The Xgun has also shown exceptional robustness, with no noticeable breakdown observed after being fully conditioned. As a first step towards achieving a complete understanding of the Xgun's performance, we aim to investigate the fundamentals of photoemission in the high-gradient regime. Systematic simulations will be presented for the near-future photocathode thermal emittance measurements.

Funding Agency

This work is supported by the U.S. DOE, under award No. DE-SC0022010 to NIU, DOE SBIR grant No. DE-SC0018709 at Euclid Techlabs, and contract No. DE-AC02-06CH11357 with ANL partially supported by LDRD

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Gongxiaohui Chen (Argonne National Laboratory)


Charles Whiteford (Argonne National Laboratory) Chunguang Jing (Argonne National Laboratory) Darrell Doran (Argonne National Laboratory) Emily Frame (Northern Illinois University) Eric Wisniewski (Illinois Institute of Technology) Ernest Knight (Euclid Techlabs (United States)) John Power (Argonne National Laboratory) Philippe Piot (Northern Illinois University) Seongyeol Kim (Argonne National Laboratory) Sergey Kuzikov (Euclid Techlabs (United States)) Wanming Liu (Argonne National Laboratory) Xueying Lu (Northern Illinois University)

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