7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Effects of bulk material properties on RF surface resistivity

9 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC3.A15: New Acceleration Techniques Tuesday Poster Session


Gerard Lawler (University of California, Los Angeles)


Several concepts for future linear colliders are dependent on very high gradient normal conducting RF cavities achieved by operation at cryogenic temperatures in order to reduce breakdown rates (BDR). These maximum fields are intended to be in excess of 200 MV/m. The concepts include the ultra compact Xray free electron laser and the C$^3$ collider. The theory involved with the complex physics of breakdown is a diverse and rich field of study. Most results are empirical so continued understanding of the phenomena becomes necessary. One contributing factor to the reduced BDR is the increased hardness at cryogenic temperatures of the copper. in order to test that assumption we can consider obtaining hardness improvements from the alloying of copper with silver. We will here present a preliminary theory of this alloy based improvement especially with respect to an improved understanding of the surface resistivity using our previously established theory improvements which go beyond the usual Reuter and Sondheimer explanation. We will compare this to quality factors measured in Cband pillbox cavities as a function of temperature.

Funding Agency

This work was supported by the Center for Bright Beams, National Science Foundation Grant No. PHY-1549132 and DOE HEP Grant DE-SC0009914.

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Gerard Lawler (University of California, Los Angeles)


Andrea Mostacci (Sapienza University of Rome) Evgenya Simakov (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Fabio Bosco (La Sapienza University of Rome) James Rosenzweig (University of California, Los Angeles) Nanda Gopal Matavalam (RadiaBeam) Obed Camacho (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL)) Paul Carriere (RadiaBeam Technologies) Sami Tantawi (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

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