7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Extraction of high-charge state neon and krypton from the D-Pace Penning ion source test stand

9 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC3.T01: Proton and Ion Sources Tuesday Poster Session


Justine Munich (Dehnel - Particle Accelerator Components & Engineering, Inc.)


D-Pace has a self-heated hot-cathode Penning ion source test stand at their Ion Source Test Facility (ISTF). High-charge state production of boron, arsenic, and phosphorous is interesting to the ion implantation industry, as it allows for higher energy implants of these dopants using the same accelerating gradient in a given accelerator system. We use Neon and Krypton as proxy gases to investigate whether the Penning ion source could be used for high-charge state production in ion implanters. We were able to produce charge states up to Ne$^{3+}$ ($>$ 200 $e \mu$A) and Kr$^{6+}$ ($>$ 7 $e \mu$A). The obstacles in using the current Penning ion source test stand are discussed, with comments on how to potentially increase the current output, stability, and lifetime of this ion source.

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Nicolas Savard (British Columbia University)


Justine Munich (Dehnel - Particle Accelerator Components & Engineering, Inc.) Morgan Dehnel (Dehnel - Particle Accelerator Components & Engineering, Inc.)

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