7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Role of twisted and two-color laser pulses in particle defocussing and acceleration gradients

9 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC3.A15: New Acceleration Techniques Tuesday Poster Session


Dinkar Mishra (Lucknow University)


Accelerators having large electric field gradients are the need of the hour for building future electron or proton colliders. Plasma wakefield accelerators using short electron or proton bunches can solve the problem of achieving large amplitude plasma wake. In PWFA, we have witnessed that, large amplitude wakefields generated by such mechanisms have both transverse and longitudinal components of wake, where longitudinal component of the wake is used to accelerate the bunch particle whereas the transverse component is used to focus the electron or proton bunch. We investigated the role of twisted and two-color laser pulse using FBPIC code in defocussing and electron or proton injection into the counter-propagating ionization front. It may be noted that there is no significant defocussing observed for longer distances by using a twisted and two-color laser pulse.


Tajima T and Dawson J M 1979 Laser Electron Accelerator Physical Review Letters 43 267–70
Vaziri M, Golshani M, Sohaily S and Bahrampour A 2015 Electron acceleration by linearly polarized twisted laser pulse with narrow divergence Physics of Plasmas 22 033118
Zhu X-L, Chen M, Weng S-M, McKenna P, Sheng Z-M and Zhang J 2019 Single-cycle terawatt twisted-light pulses at midinfrared wavelengths above 10 µm Physical Review Applied 12

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Dinkar Mishra (Lucknow University)


Bhupesh Kumar (Lucknow University)

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