7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Study of nano-structured electron sources using photoemission electron microscope

9 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Laguna

Sala Laguna

Poster Presentation MC2.T02: Electron Sources Tuesday Poster Session


Alimohammed Kachwala (Arizona State University)


Nanostructured electron sources exhibiting simultaneous spatio-temporal confinement to nanometer and femtosecond level along with a low emittance can be used for developing future ordered electron sources to generate unprecedented electron beam brightness and can revolutionize stroboscopic ultrafast electron scattering and steady-state electron microscopy applications. In addition, high current density electron beams generated from nanostructured electron sources can be used for applications that include nanoelectronics and dielectric laser accelerators. In this work, we report our efforts to develop and characterize two kinds of nanostructured electron sources: (i) nitrogen incorporated ultrananocrystalline diamond [(N)UNCD] tips and (ii) plasmonic
Archimedean spiral focusing lens. We demonstrate the ability to fabricate these cathodes and characterize them using a photoemission electron microscope under femtosecond laser illumination thereby demonstrating the ability of these structures to be used for next generation electron sources.

Funding Agency

Center for Bright Beams under award PHY-1549132, DOE Office of Science under awards DE-SC0021092, and DE-SC0021213, LANL LDRD, 89233218CNA000001, C.M.P.:US NSF Award PHY-1549132, DE-AC02-05CH11231.

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Alimohammed Kachwala (Arizona State University)


Oksana Chubenko (Arizona State University) Daniele Filippetto (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Siddharth Karkare (Arizona State University) Dongsung Kim (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Jared Maxson (Cornell University) Christopher Pierce (Cornell University (CLASSE)) Mansoure Moeini Rizi (Arizona State University) Evgenya Simakov (Los Alamos National Laboratory)

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