7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Multi-bunch operation mode for simultaneously serving SASE and seeding FEL beamlines

9 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Laguna

Sala Laguna

Poster Presentation MC2.A06: Free Electron Lasers Tuesday Poster Session


Yifan Liang (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities)


Modern free-electron laser (FEL) facilities are designed to simultaneously serve multiple undulator lines to pro-vide x-ray pulses with high peak power and tunable wavelengths. To satisfy different scientific demands, it is preferred to make the separate undulator lines work under different FEL schemes, such as the self-amplified sponta-neous emission (SASE) scheme and the echo-enabled harmonic generation (EEHG) scheme. However, different FEL schemes have different requirements on the beam longitudinal distribution. Here, we propose to use multiple bunches to simultaneously serve the undulator lines and put the bunches at different acceleration phase to change the bunch length with two compressor chicanes. The acceleration phase for each bunch is varied by adjusting the time delays of the photocathode drive laser pulses with the accelerator settings unchanged. The start-to-end simulation demonstrates that a fs bunch with high peak current can be produced to serve the SASE line while a bunch with hundred-of-fs length and uniform current distribution can be produced to serve the EEHG line. The FEL performances are simulated and discussed.

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Yifan Liang (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities) Xiaofan Wang (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities) Li Zeng (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities) Huaiqian Yi (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities) Weiqing Zhang (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) Xueming Yang (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) Yong Yu (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) Jitao Sun (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics) Xinmeng Li (Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)

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