7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

High power test results of diode E-Gun based 4-6 MeV Accelerator Beam Centerline (ABC)

9 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Laguna

Sala Laguna

Poster Presentation MC2.A08: Linear Accelerators Tuesday Poster Session


Andrey Mishin (Varex Imaging) Rich LaFave (Varex Imaging)


Varex Imaging High Energy Sources Group has developed, built, and tested a Diode Electron Gun (DEG) based 6 MeV Accelerator Beam Centerline ABC-6-S-X-D, which showed excellent performance results, and has been entered into a serial production. The ABC is very similar in performance to its Varian-produced counterpart and may be used as its drop-in replacement in the existing installed Varex linac system base, which exceeds 1000 units. While we intend to utilize a Triode Electron Gun (TEG) based ABC in all new products, this DEG based design can also be used in linac systems for security screening, non-destructive testing, and medical applications. This paper presents high power test results of the developed ABC-6-S-X-D.

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Andrey Mishin (Varex Imaging)


Devon Fischer (Varex Imaging) John Roylance (Varex Imaging) Matthew Denney (Varex Imaging) Stanislav Proskin (Varex Imaging)

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