FLUTE (Ferninfrarot Linac- Und Test-Experiment) at KIT has a compact versatile linear accelerator. One of FLUTE's main goals is to serve as a platform for a variety of accelerator studies as well as for the generation of high intensity, ultra-short THz pulses for photon science experiments. The linear accelerator is envisioned as an injector for a Very Large Acceptance compact Storage Ring (VLA-cSR), which is designed at KIT in the framework of the project cSTART (compact STorage Ring for Accelerator Research and Technology). It is necessary to provide stable RF power to achieve acceleration of electrons in the RF photo-injector and linac with high stability. For this goal, an upgrade of the existing RF system is currently being implemented. In this contribution, an updated RF system design and the status of the RF photo-injector commissioning will be reported.
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