7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Manufacturing and testing of the 800 MHz RFQ at KAHVELab

8 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Laguna

Sala Laguna

Poster Presentation MC1.A08: Linear Accelerators Monday Poster Session


Mr Atacan Kilicgedik (Marmara University)


An 800 MHz, Radio Frequency Quadrupole (RFQ) was designed to accelerate the proton beam to 2 MeV energy at a distance shorter than one meter in KAHVE-Lab, Turkey. A half-length test module was previously produced to investigate the local manufacturability of this RFQ cavity. The manufactured test module was subjected to mechanical, vacuum and electromagnetic tests to adjust the pressure, EM field and frequency parameters to the desired operational settings. Results from these tests were used to improve the final manufacturing process for the two modules of the RFQ which ended successfully in Q4 2022. The finished RFQ, after being fully assembled for the first time, will initially be subjected to vacuum tests followed by low-level RF and power tests. The KAHVE-Lab proton beamline is planned to be fully integrated and commissioned by the end of 2023. This study introduces a general framework about the current status of the 800 MHz RFQ, and discusses the ongoing commissioning studies.


  • Kilicgedik A., et al.,‘’Rf Measurements and Tuning of the Test Module of 800 MHz Radio-Frequency Quadrupole’’, LINAC’22.
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Mr Atacan Kilicgedik (Marmara University)


Aytul Adiguzel (Istanbul University) Birant Baran (Ankara University) Aslihan Caglar (Yildiz Technical University) Emre Celebi (Bogazici University) Seyma Esen (Istanbul University) Anil Karatay (Izmir Institute of Technology) Umit Kaya (Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency) Erkcan Ozcan (Bogazici University) Ceren Ozkal (Izmir Institute of Technology) Gorkem Turemen (Turkish Energy, Nuclear and Mineral Research Agency) Gokhan Unel (University of California Irvine) Fatih Yaman (Izmir Institute of Technology) Onder Yilmaz (Izmir Institute of Technology)

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