7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Bead-Pull of 0.2 THz Strucutre and Technical Issues

8 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Laguna

Sala Laguna

Poster Presentation MC1.A16: Advanced Concepts Monday Poster Session


Gwanghui Ha (Northern Illinois University) Hyung-sup Kong (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Seunghwan Shin (Korea University Sejong Campus)


We fabricated corrugated wakefield structures and did cold test of them. Since the wakefield frequency of our structure is about 0.2 THz, there are several technical issues in the bead-pull.
We present issues concerning to bead size and the wire. And issues concerning to mode converter are described as well. We manufacture a customized mode converter which change electromagnetic mode from rectangular TE10 to circular TM01. The biggest issue was not only the TM01 but also the TE11 excited. So we suggest a method of extracting only the results by TM01. And the operating frequency of the wakefield structure was calculated with this method. The operating frequency by cold test matched well with the simulation.

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Primary authors

Gwanghui Ha (Northern Illinois University) Hyung-sup Kong (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Seunghwan Shin (Korea University Sejong Campus)


Chunguang Jing (Euclid Beamlabs LLC) Jiahang Shao (Institute of Advanced Science Facilities) John Power (Argonne National Laboratory) Seung Hwan Kim (Pohang Accelerator Laboratory) Xueying Lu (Northern Illinois University)

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