7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

Ultra-thin film yttria enhanced gold photocathodes

8 May 2023, 16:30
Sala Laguna

Sala Laguna

Poster Presentation MC1.A08: Linear Accelerators Monday Poster Session


Reza Valizadeh (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Gavin Bell (University of Warwick) Tim Noakes (Science and Technology Facilities Council)


The performance requirements for next generation electron accelerators put ever increasing demand on the photocathode performance, where it fundamentally limits the achievable beam quality. Metal photocathodes are limited by their high work function and relatively low quantum efficiency, necessitating the use of high powered deep UV lasers. Metal oxide thin film interfaces have been shown to reduce the work function of the underlying metal photocathode, whilst maintaining the ease of use, high durability and fast response time. This leads to an improvement in quantum efficiency and spectral response to desirable incident laser sources. We present the characterisation of a thin film yttria (Y2O3) enhanced Au photocathode at various film thicknesses. Quantum efficiencies were measured at 265 nm along with surface compositions via X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.

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Reza Valizadeh (Science and Technology Facilities Council) Christopher Benjamin (Science and Technology Facilities Council)

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