7–12 May 2023
Venice, Italy
Europe/Zurich timezone

A pulser R&D for the HEPS booster bumper magnet

8 May 2023, 16:30
Salone Adriatico

Salone Adriatico

Poster Presentation MC1.A24: Accelerators and Storage Rings, Other Monday Poster Session


Zhe Duan (Institute of High Energy Physics)


The High Energy Photon Source (HEPS) is a fourth generation photon source, including a storage ring, a booster ring and a Linac. Due to the small dynamic aperture of the storage ring, a novel on-axis swap-out injection scheme was chosen. Here, the 6GeV booster acts as an accumulating ring during that injection process. To extract 6 GeV beam from the booster before injection into the storage ring, four slow bumper magnets are applied to assist the extraction kicker to accomplish. The bumper pulse magnetic field waveform is a half-sine wave with 1ms pulse bottom width. Depending on the simulation and test, a classic LC resonance circuit topology with IGBT switching in series with fast recovery diodes is adopted . In addition, an energy recycle circuit and capacitor charging circuit are designed, to decrease power loss and reduce the influence on the output pulse current waveform during the capacitor re-charge process. A pulsed power supply prototype has been completed, and the testing results show that the bumper pulser can fully meet the all requirements of HEPS booster high energy extraction system.

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Guanwen Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics)


Jinhui Chen (Institute of High Energy Physics) Lihua Huo (Institute of High Energy Physics) Peng Liu (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Lei Wang (Institute of High Energy Physics) Xiaolei Shi (Institute of High Energy Physics) Zhe Duan (Institute of High Energy Physics) Hua Shi (Institute of High Energy Physics) Guanjian Wu (Chinese Academy of Sciences) Xinzhe Zhai (Insititute of High Energy Physics)

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