Xiaoyu Liu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
The High Energy Photon Source is a 6 GeV synchrotron radiation light source being built in Beijing, China. The electron beam inside the storage ring is designed to run with ultra-low emittance. To ensure high beam quality, the coupled bunch instabilities must be carefully investigated and controlled, therefore an effective feedback system is essential. Stripline kickers are designed for transverse feedback in the HEPS storage ring. The basic structure and main simulation results of these kickers are introduced, including the reflection parameter, transverse shunt impedance, and wake effects.
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Xiaoyu Liu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Jianshe Cao
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Yanfeng Sui
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Junhui Yue
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Taoguang Xu
(Institute of High Energy Physics)
Jingxia Zhao
(Institute of High Energy Physics)