19–23 Aug 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone


Advanced FEL modes and science applications

23 Aug 2024, 08:45


Mordechaja Anielewicza 6 00-157 Warszawa Poland


Advanced FEL modes and science applications: Session-12

  • Agostino Marinelli (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)

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Jenny Morgan (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory)
23/08/2024, 08:45
Advanced FEL modes and science applications
Invited Oral Presentation

Light with precisely tailored structure in all degrees of freedom is called fully structured light. We present an experimental demonstration of coherent FSL EUV light with the `star’ type polarization topology at the FERMI free electron laser (FEL) in Trieste, Italy. Control of the polarization is obtained through the overlap of radiation emitted in orthogonally polarized helical undulators...

Yuri Shvyd'ko (Argonne National Laboratory)
23/08/2024, 09:20
Advanced FEL modes and science applications
Invited Oral Presentation

Precise timekeeping is indispensable in everyday life, science, and technology. It relies on reference oscillators with stable frequencies. Atomic clocks -- the most precise time-measurement devices at present -- use spectrally very narrow resonant transitions between electronic states in atoms as their reference oscillators. With the advent of hard x-ray FELs, the use of extremely narrow...

Zhaoheng Guo (Paul Scherrer Institut)
23/08/2024, 09:55
Advanced FEL modes and science applications
Contributed Oral Presentation

Pump–probe experiments with subfemtosecond resolution are the key to understanding electronic dynamics in quantum systems. Here we demonstrate the generation and control of subfemtosecond pulse pairs from a two-colour X-ray free-electron laser. By measuring the delay between the two pulses with an angular streaking diagnostic, we characterize the group velocity of the X-ray free-electron laser...

Wenxiang Hu (Paul Scherrer Institut)
23/08/2024, 10:15
Advanced FEL modes and science applications
Contributed Oral Presentation

The availability of coherent copies of free-electron laser (FEL) X-ray pulses with tunable delay will facilitate a realm of techniques, such as the X-ray analogue of Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, and accelerate the development X-ray quantum optics. Here we report steps toward phase-locked, tunable X-ray FEL pulses by combining the self-seeding mechanism, the slotted foil...

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