19–23 Aug 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

X-ray beam diagnostics at the European XFEL

20 Aug 2024, 16:20
4h 40m


Mordechaja Anielewicza 6 00-157 Warszawa Poland
Board: TUP204-THB
Poster Presentation Photon beamline instrumentation & undulators Poster session


Jan Grünert (European XFEL GmbH)


After six years of user operation, the x-ray photon diagnostics system [1] at the European XFEL has matured and contributes daily to reliable beam delivery to users with exquisite tailored x-ray pulses at MHz repetition rates in the range from below 500 eV to above 24 keV at pulse energies up to 4 mJ in the hard x-ray and > 10 mJ in the soft x-ray range, with pulse durations from ~100 fs down to below 1 fs. This contribution shortly reviews established standard FEL beam diagnostics such as gas-based pulse energy measurements [2] at MHz-rates and scintillator-based imagers in 24/7 operation, mentioning also incurred damages [3] to these, and then highlights our powerful new beam-diagnostic capabilities beyond baseline: regular operation of online hard x-ray crystal-based spectrometry [4] for self-seeded lasing [5], two-color lasing and ultra-short pulse creation, gas-based online spectrometry for both soft and hard x-rays [6], online polarization monitoring for the soft x-ray undulator line [7], diamond-based MHz-rate beam position and pulse energy measurements [8], and temporal [9] as well as hard x-ray wavefront characterization.


1) J. Grünert et al., JSR, 26 (5), 1422-1431 (2019)
2) Th. Maltezopoulos et al., JSR, 26 (4), 1045-1051 (2019)
3) A. Koch, J. Grünert, Proc. SPIE 12578, 1257803 (2023)
4) N. Kujala, RSI 91 (10), 103101 (2020)
5) S. Liu et al., Nat. Phot. 17 (11), 984–991 (2023)
6) J. Laksman et al., RSI 93 (11), 115111 (2022)
7) S. Karabekyan et al., Proc. 13th IPAC, 1029-1032 (2022)
8) T. Çonka Yildiz et al., Optica 10 (8), 963 (2023)
9) T. Sato et al, Optica 7(6), 716-717 (2020)

Funding Agency

We acknowledge funding and availability of beamtimes through the European XFEL facility.


Jan Grünert (European XFEL GmbH)


Andreas Koch (European XFEL GmbH) Florian Dietrich (European XFEL GmbH) Harald Sinn (European XFEL GmbH) Jia Liu (European XFEL GmbH) Joakim Laksman (European XFEL GmbH) Naresh Kujala (European XFEL GmbH) Randeer Pratap Gautam (European XFEL GmbH) Theophilos Maltezopoulos (European XFEL GmbH) Dr Tuba Conka Yildiz (European XFEL GmbH) Wolfgang Freund (European XFEL GmbH)

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