Echo-enabled harmonic generation (EEHG) has been proposed as a seeding method for free-electron lasers but can also be employed to generate ultrashort radiation pulses at electron storage rings. With a twofold laser-electron interaction in two undulators (the modulators), each followed by a magnetic chicane, an electron phase space structure with a high harmonic content is produced, which gives rise to coherent emission of radiation at short wavelengths. The duration of the coherently emitted radiation in a third undulator (the radiator) is given by the laser pulse lengths. Thus,the EEHG pulses can be three orders of magnitude shorter and still more intense than conventional synchrotron radiation. At the 1.5-GeV synchrotron light source DELTA at TU
Dortmund University, the worldwide first implementation
of EEHG at a storage ring was achieved by reconfiguring
an electromagnetic undulator. First commissioning results are presented.
Funding Agency
Work supported by DFG (contract INST212/236-1), BMBF (contract 05K22PE1) and by the Federal State NRW.