19–23 Aug 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Utilizing a pair of orthogonally oriented corrugated structures for variable polarization self-locked streaking of electrons in time.

20 Aug 2024, 16:20
4h 40m


Mordechaja Anielewicza 6 00-157 Warszawa Poland
Board: TUP251-THA
Poster Presentation Electron diagnostics, timing, synchronization & controls Poster session


Alexander Malyzhenkov (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Corrugated structures have recently been utilized for the time-resolved diagnostics of electron bunches in the several GeV energy range and free-electron-laser (FEL) pulses across several FEL facilities: SwissFEL at PSI and European XFEL at DESY. This approach is simple and cost-effective, based on the self-streaking of electrons with a transverse wakefield enhanced in such structures.

In this work, we introduce the simplified design of a corrugated streaker developed for electron bunches in the several hundred MeV range and the wide range of beam parameters of the CERN Linear Electron Accelerator for Research (CLEAR). We emphasize the potential benefits of using a pair of orthogonally oriented streakers. Firstly, variable polarization streaking can be achieved in such a configuration. Additionally, the undesired quadrupole wakefield of streaking in the vertical (or horizontal) direction with one structure can be compensated by the second streaker. This allows for a significant improvement in the resolution of the method and paves the way for cost-effective and robust temporal diagnostics for future compact FEL facilities.


Alexander Malyzhenkov (European Organization for Nuclear Research)


Andrea Latina (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Antonio Gilardi (SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory) Pierre Korysko (Oxford University) Roberto Corsini (European Organization for Nuclear Research) Wilfrid Farabolini (European Organization for Nuclear Research)

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