Microbunching - or short-wavelength – instabilities are well-known for drastic reduction of the beam quality, its filamentation and strong amplification of the noise in a beam. Space charge and coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) are the leading causes for such instability. I will present rigorous 3D theory of such instabilities driven by the space-charge forces and define the condition when our theory is applicable for an arbitrary accelerator system with 3D coupling. Finally, I will derive a linear integral equation describing such instability and identify conditions it can be reduced to an ordinary second order differential equation. I will illustrate this theory with a few examples of computer simulations. This work is extension of the theory developed in [1].
Funding Agency
This work is supported by the US DOE HEP Award DESC0020375
[1] 3D Theory of Microscopic Instabilities Driven by Space-Charge Forces, Vladimir N Litvinenko, Yichao Jing, Jun Ma, Irina Petrushina, Kai Shih, Gang Wang, Physical Review Accelerators and Beams 26, No.5, 054402, 2022