SLAC and RadiaSoft are partnering to provide integration support for two parallel workflows that support end-to-end modeling and machine learning integration for accelerators. LUME, Light Source Unified Modeling Environment, has been developed by SLAC to facilitate end-to-end modeling for machine tuning and optimization. This workflow includes the integration of machine learning surrogate models. In parallel, RadiaSoft is developing a workflow, Omega, for chaining simulations developed using different Sirepo applications. This tool allows users to import simulations built in Sirepo and connect them into an end-to-end simulation. Our collaboration is focused on integrating these two workflows in order to provide the community with a unified toolbox for online modeling of light sources. Our poster will provide an overview of the software tools and showcase their use for modeling FELs.
Funding Agency
This work is supported by the DOE Office of Science Office of Basic Energy Science award number DE-SC0018571