Hao Sun
(Institute of Advaced Science Facilities)
The Shenzhen Superconducting Soft X-Ray Free-electron Laser (S3FEL) is a newly proposed high repetition-rate X-ray FEL facility. In this contribution, we have presented various two-color FEL schemes based on this facility, including undulator splitting, fresh slice, and afterburner configurations. Based on these schemes, there is a promising prospect to generate high-brightness two-color soft X-rays on a timescale ranging from attoseconds to femtoseconds at the S3FEL, thereby providing a novel tool for experimental users in soft X-ray pump-probe studies.
Hao Sun
(Institute of Advaced Science Facilities)
Xiaofan Wang
(Institute of Advanced Science Facilities)
Weiqing Zhang
(Dalian Institute of Chemical Physics)