19–23 Aug 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Generation of ultrashort THz radiation pulses using chirped micro-bunching and tapered undulators

20 Aug 2024, 16:20
4h 40m


Mordechaja Anielewicza 6 00-157 Warszawa Poland
Board: TUP049-FRA
Poster Presentation Advanced FEL modes and science applications Poster session


Yining Yang (Tsinghua University in Beijing)


Ultrashort, intense terahertz radiation sources hold tremendous potential for various industrial and scientific applications. However, the bandwidth of FEL based pulses is limited due to slippage effects in the undulator. In this paper we study a solution to generate very short and intense THz pulses using chirped microbunching combined with tapered undulators in order to effectively compress the radiation pulse length. Tunable chirped microbunching can be generated in a compact setup using a properly shaped mask at a high dispersion plane in the electron beam transport prior injection into a tapered undulator. With the help of numerical simulation, we study the radiation pulse length and peak power scaling of this scheme showcasing its ability to produce few-cycle pulses with high peak power at 10THz.


Yining Yang (Tsinghua University in Beijing)


Lixin Yan (Tsinghua University in Beijing) Pietro Musumeci (University of California, Los Angeles) Renkai Li (Tsinghua University in Beijing) Tong Li (Tsinghua University in Beijing) Yujia Wu (Tsinghua University in Beijing) Zhuoyuan Liu (Tsinghua University in Beijing)

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