In this letter, we proposed a new scheme to generate femtosecond-level high peak current electron beam, compressed from a flat-top beam, through energy modulation based on dielectric-loaded circular waveguide is numerically implemented.. With the advantage of passiveness and dephasingless self-modulation at terahertz frequency, stable electron beam and free electron laser radiation can be generated with this regime can provide more stable bunch for following x-ray free electron lasing using current enhanced SASE scheme. About 9.5 kA peak current can be achieved through 100 mm long dielectric-lined waveguide. Three dimensional start-to-end simulations have been carried out to demonstrate the Consequently, x-ray free electron laser (XFEL) performance for those high peak current bunch is simulated, verifying its ability to generate 2 fs radiation pulses with mean peak power up to 12 GW if undulators are tapered appropriately to compensate energy modulation caused by longitudinal space charge effect and undulator wakefield.