19–23 Aug 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Force-Neutral Adjustable Phase Undulators

22 Aug 2024, 12:10


Mordechaja Anielewicza 6 00-157 Warszawa Poland
Board: THBC03
Contributed Oral Presentation Photon beamline instrumentation & undulators Photon beamline instrumentation & undulators


Nathan Burger (RadiaBeam)


Variable gap undulators require large and complex motion systems to operate, making their tunability to generate specific radiation wavelengths cumbersome, limited, and slow. RadiaBeam Technologies is engaging in a project to advance undulator manufacturing by utilizing force-neutral adjustable phase undulator (FNAPU) technology developed by Argonne National Laboratory (ANL). This innovative approach allows high precision undulators to be more compact, cost-effective to fabricate and assemble, and safe and user friendly in alignment, manipulation and operation.
The innovation of FNAPU technology is based on the inclusion of a secondary array of permanent magnets, arranged to compensate the internal forces brought on by the main undulator array. The flexibility and compact design of FNAPUs allows for exotic applications (X-undulators) and multiple FNAPUs can be packed together to form an undulator matrix, covering extensive X-ray energy ranges and a broad range of applications, relevant to the needs of XFEL and SR communities, and beyond.

Funding Agency

United States Department of Energy, Award #DE-SC0024805


Nathan Burger (RadiaBeam)


Joseph Xu (Argonne National Laboratory)

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