19–23 Aug 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Design of a four-mirror bow-tie cavity based free electron laser oscillator for eliminating spectral gaps

20 Aug 2024, 16:20
4h 40m


Mordechaja Anielewicza 6 00-157 Warszawa Poland
Board: TUP060-TUC
Student Poster Presentation FEL oscillators & IR-FEL Poster session


Yuanfang Xu (University of Science and Technology of China)


FELiChEM is an infrared free electron laser (FEL) user facility located in China, covering a wavelength range of 2-200 μm. Many spectral gaps were measured which the user experiments did not expect, especially in the far-infrared wavelength region from 50-200 μm. In this paper, we propose to apply a bow-tie cavity resonator instead of the conventional resonators to eliminate all the spectral gaps. Numerical simulation results demonstrate that this innovative resonator configuration can effectively eliminate the spectral gaps and significantly enhance the performance of long-wavelength lasers.


Heting Li (University of Sceince and Technology of China) Mengqi Xia (University of Science and Technology of China) Yuanfang Xu (University of Science and Technology of China) Zhouyu Zhao (University of Science and Technology of China)

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