We present an algorithm for modelling single instances of partially coherent radiation using their Wigner distribution. This algorithm is based on an approach for simulating Gaussian random fields, where randomly generated noise is constrained by the effective radiation size in the conjugate Fourier domains. This approach, utilizing Fourier transform methods, significantly enhances computational efficiency compared to Monte Carlo methods. The final result is a single stochastic instance of the field. With the proposed algorithm, one can simulate a variety of sources including but not limited to synchrotron and linear-regime free-electron laser radiation, as well as thermal light sources. The resulting field can be propagated through optical elements. We confirmed analytically that the results of our algorithm follow the correct ensemble-averaged intensities and correlation functions. In addition, we present simulations of use cases such as a double slit experiment, as well as free-electron laser radiation in a linear regime. Finally, the algorithms provide illustrative examples ideal for teaching the concept of coherence.