19–23 Aug 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Proof-of-concept of an ultrafast source in the Soft X-ray range

20 Aug 2024, 16:20
4h 40m


Mordechaja Anielewicza 6 00-157 Warszawa Poland
Board: TUP127-TUA
Poster Presentation SASE-FEL Poster session


Francesca Curbis (Lund University)


At MAX IV laboratory the linac is used to inject into the two rings but also to drive the FemtoMAX beamline, which is a source of (incoherent) short pulses in the Hard X-ray range.
In this contribution we present the design and simulations for a new mode of operation of the linac that would allow to generate coherent ultra-short FEL pulses in the soft X-ray domain. Preliminary simulations indicate that the power will reach GW level with a number of photons per pulse comparable to other FELs.
The scheme will re-utilize the same infrastructure and the existing undulators. The main change will be lowering the electron energy, but still using the same bunch compressors to reach femtoseconds pulse lengths. We will take advantage of the recently installed transverse deflecting structure to characterize the longitudinal profile of the electron beam and tailor it to the new operation mode.
Further studies will include a new electron optics for the lower electron energy and the design of the detection system to demonstrate the gain.
This additional operation mode will offer an alternative to the conventional FemtoMAX source and thus expand the potential of the Short Pulse Facility.


Francesca Curbis (Lund University)


Sverker Werin (MAX IV Laboratory)

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