State-of-the-art XFELs generate bright, ultrashort X-ray pulses enabling cutting-edge sub-femtosecond resolution time-resolved pump-probe experiments. Key requirement is an utmost precise timing distribution and synchronization between pulsed lasers and microwave sources distributed across a km-scale facility. Fiber-based pulsed optical timing distribution systems (TDS) are an ideal solution delivering sub-fs timing precision over km-range. A pulsed-optical TDS was deployed at the SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory as part of the overall timing and synchronization system of the Linac Coherent Light Source II** and was recently upgraded to a high-link-capacity large-scale turnkey system. The TDS has 7 stabilized timing links, each with a two-stage bidirectional EDFA and an out-of-loop delay line providing a high precision timing signal to 40 remote locations with adjustable time delay. An 8x40 fiber optic MEMS switch is deployed to efficiently re-route the timing signal to any remote location without the need for physical intervention by an operator. We present the technical design and out-of-loop timing characterization of the TDS achieving an RMS timing jitter of about 1 fs.
- M. Xin et al., Light Sci. Appl., 6, e16187, 2017.
** K. Safak et al., CLEO, 10.1364/CLEO_SI.2020.SM2N.5, 2020.
*** https://lcls.slac.stanford.edu/lcls-ii