19–23 Aug 2024
Europe/Warsaw timezone

Steady State and Power Buildup in a Tapered XUV FEL Oscillator

20 Aug 2024, 16:20
4h 40m


Mordechaja Anielewicza 6 00-157 Warszawa Poland
Board: TUP150-TUC
Poster Presentation FEL oscillators & IR-FEL Poster session


Margarit Asatrian (University of Hamburg)


We present a simulation study of a tapered FEL oscillator, which aims at delivering high average power in the extreme ultraviolet wavelength region. The setup relies on the combination of three critical elements: a pre-buncher, a strongly tapered undulator and an optical cavity enclosing them. Such a configuration allows for efficient power extraction
from a high-brightness electron beam.
We concentrate on tuning the steady state of the oscillator, including the optimisation of the taper profile based on an analytical estimate, as well as a multi-pass optimisation of the cavity design. We briefly address the buildup from shot-noise power level.


Margarit Asatrian (University of Hamburg) Eugenio Ferrari (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Andrew Fisher (Particle Beam Physics Lab (PBPL)) Georgia Paraskaki (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron) Pietro Musumeci (University of California, Los Angeles) Wolfgang Hillert (University of Hamburg)

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