Cavity-based free-electron lasers (CBXFELs) have the potential to dramatically improve the stability and coherence of FELs. The CBXFEL project is a collaboration between SLAC, Argonne, and RIKEN to build a 65 m rectangular X-ray cavity at the LCLS, with the goal of demonstrating low-loss cavity ring-down and, ultimately, two-pass FEL gain. This paper describes recent simulation and measurement results supporting our efforts, including those related to FEL gain and delivering two transversely aligned electron bunches separated by 624 RF buckets. Finally, we report our progress in testing and installing Xray optics and X-ray diagnostics components, the Bragg mirror nano-positioning and diagnostics stages, and the X-ray return line.
Funding Agency
Work supported by US DOE Office of Science under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357 and DE-AC02-76F00515