25–30 Aug 2024
Hilton Chicago
America/Chicago timezone


Main Session MOX

26 Aug 2024, 09:15
Grand Ballroom (Hilton Chicago)

Grand Ballroom

Hilton Chicago

720 South Michigan Ave Chicago, IL 60605 USA

Presentation materials

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John Byrd (Argonne National Laboratory), Sam Posen (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
26/08/2024, 09:15
Donato Passarelli (Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory)
26/08/2024, 09:30
MC3.4 Proton linac projects
Invited Oral Presentation

In this opening plenary talk, the speaker will discuss advances in SRF technologies are enabling PIP-II, the new proton driver for the Fermilab Accelerator Complex currently under construction. This includes advanced cavity processing methods such as nitrogen doping and the mid-T bake and innovations in cryomodule design. He will present an overview of plans to evolve Complex in the PIP-II era...

Xueying Lu (Northern Illinois University)
26/08/2024, 10:00
MC2.1 Colliders
Invited Oral Presentation

Normal conducting radiofrequency (NCRF) technology plays a crucial role in the development of more compact and cost-effective linear accelerators with increased energy reach and intensity. Over the past few years, NCRF structures have seen remarkable progress in accelerating gradient, RF-to-beam efficiency and overall performance that could lead to compact linacs for a multitude of...

Building timetable...