The 19 MeV electron linear accelerator ELSA at CEA DAM has been in operation for 30 years. A renovation of the RF system was necessary to improve the reliability of the linac. The second part of the renovation deals with the 144 MHz RF amplifier, supplying power to the photo-injector.
The former tetrode based amplifier has been replaced by a 1.6 MW Solid State Power Amplifier delivered by...
A compact, high-voltage (HV) pulser in the nanosecond regime for transverse electromagnetic (TEM) kickers is presented. TEM kickers are electromagnetic deflectors used in particle accelerators to redirect bunches of particles out of their original trajectory into a new path, such as alternate beam paths, detectors, or other instrumentation devices. The circuit proposed in this design consists...
Recent developments in laser wakefield accelerators (LWFAs) lead us to consider employing this technology to accelerate electrons at the Advanced Photon Source (APS) facility. Previous experiments using LWFAs were performed at Argonne using the Terawatt Ultrafast High Field Facility. The injector complex serving the APS begins with an electron linac, producing beam energies on the order of 450...
Many accelerator physics problems such as beamline design, beam dynamics model calibration or interpreting experimental measurements rely on solving an optimization problem that use a simulation of beam dynamics. However, it is difficult to solve high dimensional optimization problems using current beam dynamics simulations because calculating gradients of simulated objectives with respect to...
MeV ultrafast electron diffraction has become a new frontier for the study of molecular dynamics. With the temporal resolution of MeV-UED being limited by the electron bunch length at the target, electron sources used for this technique are becoming ever more intricate in the the push for shorter bunches length. However, moving to these complex setups makes them less feasible in a small-scale...
A common challenge in online accelerator operations is aligning beams through a series of quadrupole magnets, especially when in situ beam position monitors are not present. Accelerator operators generally use a trial-and-error approach to solve this problem by sequentially measuring the centroid deflection of the beam as a function of quadrupole strengths. This is a challenging process that...
The Cool Copper Collider (C3) is an advanced accelerator concept for a e+ e- linear collider that utilizes a cryogenically-cooled copper accelerator technology. The C3 linac is envisioned to accelerate e+ and e- beams from 10 GeV to 125 GeV for a 250 GeV center of mass collisions. To reach the target luminosity, emittance has to be preserved through the whole main linac, taking into account...
A prototype Canadian compact accelerator-driven neutron source (PC-CANS) is proposed for installation at the University of Windsor. The source is based on a high-intensity compact proton RF accelerator that delivers an average current of 10 mA of protons at 10 MeV to the target. This study can serve as a basis for the design of an initial stage of a new high-intensity compact...
Compact conductively cooled SRF industrial linacs can provide unique parameters of the electron beam for industrial applications. (up to 10MeV, 1MW). For ERDC project we designed normal conducting RF injector with thermal RF gridded gun integrated in first cell of multi-cell cavities. For design of the RF gun we used MICHELL software to simulate and optimize parameters of the beam. Output file...
BPMs have been used for decades since their easy-to-use absolute transverse position capability. Left signal minus right signal divided by the sum times the radius gives the beam position. The charge is “just” a relative measurement and has to be calibrated (or ironed) against a toroid signal. Even when the incoming charge variation is high (like 3% rms for the superconducting LCLS2), the...
A programmable signal processor-based credited safety control that calculates pulsed beam power based on beam kinetic energy and charge was designed as part of the Proton Power Upgrade (PPU) project at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS). The system must reliably shut off the beam if the average power exceeds 2.145 MW averaging over 60 seconds. System calibration requires pedigree in...
Use of a cavity-based X-ray free electron laser (CBXFEL) is potentially a way to dramatically improve the stability and coherence of existing XFELs. A proof-of-principle project is underway as a collaboration between Argonne National Laboratory (ANL), The Institute of Physical and Chemical Research in Japan (RIKEN), and SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory. The CBXFEL is expected to operate...
The design and tuning of a storage ring for a fourth-generation synchrotron light source is very demanding. Recently, some research groups have considered techniques based on quasi-invariants of motion to address this task. This contribution presents tools, based on a quasi-invariant of motion method, for the description and optimisation of the electron dynamics in a storage ring. An overview...
The assembly of cavity string in the clean room is a tedious work that has noisy and painful steps such as cleaning the taped holes of a part. CEA together with the company INGELIANCE has developed a cobot: a collaborative robot operated by an technician one time and repeating the action without the operator. The cobot can work anytime without any operators: therefore it is working at night...
Accelerator-based light sources require high brightness electron bunches to improve performance in exploring structure of matter. Higher acceleration gradient is the key to generate high brightness electron bunches and is more feasible with higher frequency and shorter pulse length electromagnetic wave according to previous empirical formulas. A tapered rectangle waveguide structure driven by...
The Engineering Validation and Engineering Design Activities for the International Fusion Materials Irradiation Facility (IFMIF/EVEDA) are being pursued under the Broader Approach agreement between EURATOM and the Japanese government. The Linear IFMIF Prototype Accelerator (LIPAc) is under commissioning in Rokkasho, Japan to demonstrate the feasibility of the high duty (CW) and high current...
The Proton Power Upgrade (PPU) project at the Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) at Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL) has completed the installation and testing of all project scope required to meet threshold key performance parameters (KPPs), supported beam commissioning in June 2024, and transitioned to operations in July 2024. Increasing the beam energy from 1.0 to 1.3 GeV required the...
Compact SRF industrial linacs can provide unique parameters of the beam (>1 MW and >1-10 MeV) hardly achievable by normal conducting linacs within limited space. SRF technology was prohibitively expensive until the development of conduction cooling which opened the way for compact stand alone SRF systems suitable for industrial and research applications. Limited cooling capacity puts strict...
The performance of superconducting radiofrequency (SRF) cavities is critical to enabling the next generation of efficient high-energy particle accelerators. Recent developments have focused on altering the surface impurity profile through in-situ baking, furnace baking, and doping to introduce and diffuse beneficial impurities such as nitrogen, oxygen, and carbon. However, the precise role and...
The Virtual Pepper Pot (VPP) is a 4D transverse phase space measurement technique based on pepper-pot-like patterns that are generated by crossing each measured horizontal slit-based beamlet with all measured vertical slit-based beamlets. The VPP beam phase space distribution reconstruction and simulation are performed using the Beam Delivery Simulation (BDSIM) code, which is a Geant4 toolkit....
We have designed a compact RFQ to accelerate proton beam to 1 MeV. In this paper, we present the analyses and designs of the key parameters including frequency, vane voltage, aperture, modulation, etc. Simulations show the RFQ has good performance in transmission rate, power consumption and size.
We have designed a 4-solenoid LEBT, aiming at trans-porting high-current high-repetition short-pulse proton beam to RFQ acceptance. In this paper, we present the designs of the key parameters for the LEBT dynamics and the conical scraper. The influence of the solenoid magnetic fields and drift spaces were discussed. The performance of the scraper with different dimensions were compared. The...
RF superconducting cavities have been widely used in accelerators. The higher order modes caused by the wakefield radiation will lead to the beam instability, which is very harmful. So, it is necessary to depress the higher order modes. The photonic band gap (PBG) structure can effectively absorb higher order modes and suppress wakefield radiation. In addition, PBG cavities based on PBG...
The PAL-XFEL accelerator is operating simultaneous operation of HX (10 GeV) and SX (3 GeV). To facilitate simultaneous operation, kicker MPS is necessary, requiring both AC mode and DC operation mode. AC mode operates with a square waveform at a repetition rate of 60 Hz. It operates as a bipolar type with an output voltage of 200 V and an output current of 45 A. The MPS is implemented using...
The development of a few MeV/n carbon ion injector using laser-driven ion acceleration by Target-Normal Sheath Acceleration (TNSA) is carrying out. And the prototype injector has been completed at QST-Kansai in Japan. The beam commissioning is underway and first data on beam characteristics obtained from them will be presented.
A compact 10 MeV S-band irradiation electron linear accelerator has been developed to simulate electronic radiation in outer space and carry out electron irradiation effect tests on spacecraft materials and devices. According to the requirements of space environment simulation, the electron beam energy is adjustable in the range of 3.5 MeV to 10 MeV, and the average current is adjustable in...
Maintaining beam transport efficiency in the APS linac requires several feedback mechanisms to control orbit, phase, and other parameters. Presently, we apply pre-computed matrices to sets of deviations from fixed setpoints, corresponding to proportional linear feedback. This approach works most of the time but is slow and can become unstable at low charge levels. We explore two alternative...
Additive manufacturing technologies, especially powder bed fusion, are rapidly taking their place in the technological arsenal of the accelerator community. A wide range of critical accelerator components are today being manufactured additively. However, there is still much of scepticism whether additive manufacturing can address the stringent requirements set to complete accelerator...
Various types of radioisotopes (RIs) are used in the field of nuclear medicine for diagnosis, such as PET and SPECT. In recent years, RIs are applied to therapy of cancer and the Ac-225 has been confirmed to be effective in the treatment of advanced cancer. One of the promising RI production methods for medical application is the use of high-intensity beam in accelerators. In the case of an...
Superconducting RadioFrequency (SRF) technology is a key component in many particle accelerators operating in a continuous wave, or high duty cycle, mode. The on-line performance of SRF cavities can be negatively impacted by the gradual reduction in the accelerating gradient that can be attained within a reasonable field emission level. Conventional cleaning procedures are both time- and...
The SNS Drift Tube Linac (DTL) operates at 402.5 MHz and consists of 6 RF tanks, DTL1 to DTL6, which can accelerate the H- beam from 2.5 MeV to 87 MeV before entering the Coupled Cavity Linac (CCL). Each DTL tank assembly has 2 sets of horizontal and vertical electromagnetic steering magnets (24 in total) required for transverse beam steering. The coils of these steering magnets were routed...
Dust particulates are always present to some degree inside the vacuum space of particle accelerators, causing a variety of issues. At the LHC, beam loss events have been linked to the interaction of charged dust with the proton beams. In superconducting rf cavities, dust contamination leads to field emission, limiting the accelerating gradient and causing damage to external beamline...
Fundamental power couplers are utilized in SRF accelerators to transfer RF power from a source to the accelerating cavities. However, the issue of thermal heat load during high-power transmission in continuous wave (CW) mode operation poses a significant challenge for power couplers. To address this concern critical modifications have been implemented within the warm sections of the cERL...
Next-generation accelerator concepts, which hinge on the precise shaping of beam distributions, demand equally precise diagnostic methods capable of reconstructing beam distributions within 6-dimensional position-momentum spaces. However, the characterization of intricate features within 6-dimensional beam distributions using current diagnostic techniques necessitates a substantial number of...
The electropolishing process and cathodes have undergone modification and optimization for both low- and high-beta 650 MHz five-cell niobium cavities. Cavities treated with these novel electropolishing conditions exhibited superb surface quality and performance in baseline tests. Nonetheless, due to administrative constraints on project cavities, maximum gradient performance testing was not...
RF long-term stability (drift) is as important as RF short-term stability for the stable operation of particle accelerators including PAL-XFEL. Increasing the performance of LLRF itself becomes an important factor in maintaining the long and short-term stability of the RF field. The reference tracking method applied to LLRF is effectively used as a method of reducing the drift of the RF phase....
The operation of hard X-ray FEL in a self-seeded mode requires much more precise control of electron phase space distribution compared to a SASE mode. In PAL-XFEL, we developed a unique RF feedback control based on high precision e-beam characterization (combined with ~1 fs RF timing distribution) to maintain the optimized self-seeded FEL without drift during the user run.
This paper provides an overview of the current fabrication status of superconducting SSR1 spoke cavities intended for integration into the PIP-II SRF linac at Fermilab. It explores the ongoing development and fabrication processes of the jacketed SSR1 cavity, highlighting key modifications made in the mechanical design to enhance structural integrity.
Optics measurement is a common tuning and troubleshooting task which takes up a large amount of APS linac machine study time. It is of interest to explore more efficient methods to increase its’ speed and data quality. We previously tested Bayesian inference for determining linac magnet parameters, and in this work extend the method to directly measure linear optics and nonlinear deviations....
Two 1.5 GHz CEBAF C75-shape 5-cell accelerator cavities were coated with Nb3Sn film using the vapor diffusion technique at Fermilab and Jefferson Lab coating facilities. Both cavities were measured at 4 K and 2 K in the vertical dewar test in each lab, then assembled into a CEBAF quarter cryomodule at Jefferson Lab. The cryomodule was tested in 4 K and 2 K in the CryoModule Test Facility at...
The Proton Improvement Plan-II (PIP-II) accelerator upgrade at Fermilab marks a significant advancement in high-energy physics research. This initiative aims to enhance Fermilab's accelerator complex by replacing the existing linear accelerator with a warm front end (WFE) capable of accelerating H⁻ beams to 2.1 MeV. These beams are then further accelerated to 800 MeV using a superconducting...
Using 2D and 3D particle-core models, we thoroughly studied potential resonance interactions between particles and core in matched beams within complete periodic and double periodic channels. By keeping consistent geometrical structures and phase advances, we compared the Poincaré sections obtained from both models. The findings show that the differences between the models are negligible. This...
The RIKEN Linear Accelerator (RILAC), one of the injectors at RIBF was upgraded by installing a superconducting RILAC (SRILAC) to search for superheavy elements with element number 119 and above. Before the SRILAC upgrade, the machine protection system in the RILAC was constructed using simple relay circuits. On the other hand, most of the accelerators at RIBF other than RILAC have been...
After the discovery of Higgs boson at LHC, Chinese scientists have planned to build a “Great Collider”, that is a next-generation multinational particle accelerator research facility proposed as a circular electron positron collider (CEPC) and a super proton–proton collider (SPPC). The main component of the CEPC accelerator complex is the Collider ring, which has a circumference of 100...
The generalized longitudinal strong focusing (GLSF) scheme is a potential approach for a steady-state mi-crobunching (SSMB) storage ring, leveraging the ultra-low vertical emittance in the storage ring. It achieves active vertical-longitudinal coupling through an inser-tion unit, further compressing bunch length from the hundreds of nanometers scale in the main ring to the nanometers scale,...
In this work, we integrate and extend an HKL computation package into EPICS through a PyDevice** IOC. This provides EPICS users a generalized approach to mapping real motor rotation space to HKL reflections for a wide range of diffractometers (4-circle, 6-circle, kappa geometries). Utilizing PyDevice for EPICS IOC development allows us to bind core calculations written in C to Python,...
Recent studies have identified intra-beam scattering (IBS) as one of the processes that can have a significant impact on the beam dynamics of linacs with high-density and low-energy beams, such as in free electron sources (FELs), where IBS appears to be one of the effects that most limits their performance. Most existing simulation codes have been developed for circular lattices or assume...
For experiments requiring the longitudinal shaping of the beam at the exit of an electron linear accelerators, it is crucial to infer the initial beam profile at the entrance of the linear accelerator and key parameters. After passing through the dispersion section of beam bunch compressor, and the high-frequency system, the electron beam will undergo modulation on the longitudinal density....
Accurate beam emittance measurement and characterizing beam parameters are essential steps in the performance improvement and better physics studies of high-intensity proton beam accelerators. While various procedures exist for measuring beam parameters, they often come with limitations and provide only a linear space charge approximation of the phase space ellipse. To achieve better...
The objective of this research work is to design and develop laser-assisted thermal electron and hydrogen scattering, using theoretical model for elliptical and circular polarized laser. To develop the model, Volkov wave function for thermal case in elliptical and circular polarized laser field was designed and designed wave function is used to obtain S-matrix using Kroll-Watson approximation...
We designed, built and commissioned a beam diagnostic system based on a short S-band defector and a commercial klystron transmitter. A two feet long transverse-horizontally deflecting S-band rf structure (STCAV2) is installed the LCLS-II post-laser-heater diagnostic beamline at 100 MeV electron beam energy to measure the absolute electron bunch length and to allow time-resolved beam quality...
The utilization of large language models (LLMs) such as ChatGPT has seen a remarkable increase in various fields over the past few years. These models have demonstrated their versatility and capability in understanding and generating human-like text, making them invaluable tools in numerous applications. In this project, we explore the integration of a LLM into the Experimental Physics and...
The high-repetition-rate infrared terahertz free-electron laser (IR-THz FEL) facility are progressing in the preliminary research stage, which can achieve the demand for a tunable, high-power-light source in the long wavelength spectrum and form a complementary structure of advantages with the Hefei Advanced Light Facility (HALF). In this paper, we present the design of a bunch compressor...
Linear accelerators with dispersive elements experience projected emittance growth due to coherent synchrotron radiation (CSR) effects which become relevant for highly compressed beams. Even though this is a widely known effect, conventional measurement techniques are not precise enough to resolve the multi-dimensional effects in detail, namely the different rotations of transverse phase space...
Given the present availability of high-gradient accelerator technology for compact and cost-effective electron linacs in the 100-200 MeV energy range, the interest for Very High Energy Electron (VHEE) radiotherapy (RT) for cancer treatment recently reached an all-time high. Particular significance is assumed by the Ultra-High Dose Rate (UHDR) regime where the so-called FLASH biological effect...
The SRF community has shown that introducing certain impurities into high-purity niobium can improve quality factors and accelerating gradients. We question why some impurities improve RF performance while others hinder it. The purpose of this study is to characterize the impurities of niobium coupons with a low residual resistance ratio (RRR) and correlate these impurities with the RF...
Nb3Sn is the most advanced potential successor for niobium in superconducting RF accelerator cavities. Nb3Sn has a significantly higher critical temperature (18.3 K) compared to that of niobium (9.2 K). This has a large effect on the BCS surface resistance, and therefore, on the dynamic RF losses at 4.5 K. The higher critical temperature allows two important changes for cavity and cryomodule...
fragments will be thermalized in an existing gas catcher and formed into beams for stopped and reaccelerated experiments. A 6 MeV, 0.5 mA proton cyclotron will bombard a 7Li target to generate the needed neutrons. This configuration will replace the current source of radioactive ions, a thin plating of spontaneously fissioning 252Cf. nuCARIBU is expected to increase the overall intensity of...
Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF) technology is a proven solution for generating high-power electron beams (EB), suitable for tasks like purifying wastewater from challenging impurities such as PFAS. This study elaborates on effectiveness of EB treatment and outlines design considerations for a 1.3 GHz SRF linac operating at 5 MeV with an average beam current of 10 mA. Nu-merical analyses...
The CERN Linear Accelerator for Research (CLEAR) at CERN is a user facility providing a 200 MeV electron beam for accelerator R&D and irradiation studies, including medical applications. In this paper we will outline the most recent improvements in CLEAR operation and beam control and delivery, and describe the upgrades under way, giving an update of their current status. These upgrades...
During the first cool down of the prototype HB650 cryomodule (pHB650 CM), high static heat loads have been measured compared to the estimation. Several analysis and calculations have been performed to explain this difference which led to cool down this cryomodule two additional times. Before each cool down, repairs and upgrades have been done, and instrumentations were added to identify the...
The Viton gate valves installed in the CEBAF beamline have significantly degraded after long-term operation in a radiation environment, generating numerous particles that cause heavy contamination and strong field emission. As a replacement, all-metal gate valves have been proposed for installation in the CEBAF beamline. In this paper, we present thorough comparison tests between the Viton...
The RIKEN superconducting heavy-ion linear accelerator (SRILAC) has been steadily supplying beams for super-heavy element synthesis experiments since its commission in January 2020 by addressing relevant issues. The over- all availability of the accelerator during beam supply periods, excluding regular maintenance and downtime due to major malfunctions, is approximately 90%, with the...
This paper describes the physical design of one linac injector for the proton/heavy ion synchrotron, which is under construction for Xi’an 200 MeV Proton Application Facility(XiPAF) heavy ion upgrading project. A heavy ion linac injector will be constructed close to the existing proton linac injector. The heavy ion injector consists of one electron cyclotron resonance(ECR) source, one low...
The PIP-II linac cryogenic distribution system (CDS) is characterized by extremally small heat inflows and robust mechanical design. It consists of a distribution valve box (DVB), intermediate transfer line, tunnel transfer line comprising 25 bayonet cans, and ends with a turnaround can. Multiple helium streams, each characterized by distinct helium parameters, flow through each of these...
We have studied high-power terahertz-wave sources using a normal-conducting S-band linac at the Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA) at Nihon University [1, 2]. The developed coherent transition radiation (CTR) had a high energy of 1 mJ per macropulse [3]. However, the peak power of the CTR was approximately 100 kW and did not reach 1 MW, i.e., the level at which...
Traveling-wave (TW) technology can push the accelerator field gradient of niobium SRF cavity to 70MV/m or higher beyond the limit of 50~60MV/m in Standing-wave (SW) technology. The early stages of TW SRF cavity developments had been funded by several SBIR grants to Euclid Techlabs and completed in collaboration with Fermilab through a 1-cell prototype and a proof-of-principle 3-cell TW cavity....
The SNS beam test facility is a model of the SNS front end (source through medium-energy transport). On-going work at the BTF focuses on accurate modeling of the beam distribution to enable the prediction of halo losses (>100 parts per million). This presentation will discuss the latest progress towards this goal, including recent results after a reconfiguration of the test beamline and...
The X-band Test Area (XTA) is a test accelerator beamline consisting of a 5.5 cell X-band electron gun followed by a 1-m long X-band linac. It delivers an 85 MeV electron beam up to hundreds of pC. Here we report the beam dynamics studies of XTA to prepare it for THz streaking and silicon carbide irradiation experiments. This paper talks about the requirement and the simulation studies to...
A new storage ring based on a multi-bend achromat (MBA) lattice has been built at the Advanced Photon Source. Currently, the commissioning process is underway to bring beamlines back into operation. The APS linac consists of two S-band thermoionic cathode guns at the front end and thirteen S-band traveling-wave RF structures, all powered by five klystrons. A major upgrade is in progress to...
We propose further investigations on the longitudinal-space-charge-impedance mechanism for inducing microbunching of relativistic electron beams within the Advanced Photon Source S-band linac. The microbunched content is evaluated by observing the coherent enhancements of optical transition radiation (COTR) generated as the beam transits a metal-vacuum interface. The facility also uniquely...
The bipolar pulsed electropolishing (BPEP), due to its HF-free feature, can offer much safer, more environmentally friendly, and lower-cost operation compared to the conventional electropolishing, using concentrated HF and H2SO4 as electrolyte. Jefferson Lab has developed the BPEP system using diluted H2SO4 only for implementing final surface processing of niobium SRF cavities, including...
The Laboratory for Electron Beam Research and Application (LEBRA) at Nihon University has been developing free electron laser (FEL), parametric X-ray radiation (PXR), and terahertz (THz) wave sources in collaboration with KEK and the National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST) using a 100 MeV electron linac. Each of these light sources is used for both internal and...
Conduction-cooled SRF niobium cavities are being developed for use in compact, continuous-wave electron linear accelerators for a variety of industrial applications. A 915 MHz two-cell cavity has been designed to achieve an energy gain of 3.5 MeV. The design of the cell shape aims at minimizing the peak surface magnetic field. Field flatness is achieved by adjusting the length of the outer end...
As one of the options for the injector of the Southern Advanced Photon Source, the C-band parallel feeding accelerating cavity has advantages such as the ability to operate under conditions of low pulse width (<1μs), high repetition rate, and high accelerating gradient. This paper will detail the electromagnetic design of the cavity, including the optimization of the electromagnetic parameters...
Free-electron lasers (FELs) send an accelerated electron beam through a magnetic undulator to provide a source of continuously tunable, short (10s of fs), high-peak power (GW-scale) radiation. FELs have found many applications, particularly in the infrared, extreme ultraviolet (EUV) and X-ray regimes. However, current EUV and X-ray FELs are large (100s of m) and expensive facilities, limiting...
This presentation details the design and fabrication process of a prototype of a normal-conducting X-band accelerator structure, which we denominate Smartcell. These structures, achieved through brazing/bonding techniques, are crucial components for future linear colliders.
We will cover the brazing/bonding geometry, materials selection and their implications, variations in heat cycles, and...
The Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) project at Fermilab is the first U.S. accelerator project that will have significant in-kind contributions (IKC) from international partners. CEA joined the international collaboration in 2018 and will deliver 10 low-beta cryomodules as IKC to the PIP-II project, with cavities supplied by INFN-LASA (Italy) and DAE-VECC (India), and power couplers and...
One of the crucial control systems of any synchrotron is the Low-Level Radio Frequency (LLRF). The main purpose of an LLRF is to generate and maintain a stable electric field within the accelerator cavities by controlling its amplitude and phase.
SAFRAN Electronic & Defense Spain S.L.U. is currently developing the new digital LLRF to update the system in the ALBA Synchrotron Light facility...
The Proton Improvement Plan II (PIP-II) project at Fermilab is the first U.S. accelerator project that will have significant in-kind contributions (IKC) from international partners. As a part of the French IKC to this project, CEA will provide ten 650 MHz low-beta cryomodules (LB650) equipped with cavities from INFN-LASA (Italy), Fermilab (USA), and DAE-VECC (India), and power couplers and RF...
The X-ray free-electron laser facility SACLA generates X-ray SASE up to 20 keV in a compact 700 m long machine using a low-emittance thermal cathode electron gun, a high-field C-band normal-conducting 8 GeV linac and short-period in-vacuum undulators. The next upgrade plan for SACLA is to increase the repetition rate of the accelerator, which is currently 60 Hz, by one order of magnitude to 1...
Mechanical grinding is commonly employed to eliminate surface defects such as scratches and pits from niobium cavity surfaces or sheets before cavity fabrication. Subsequently, chemically buffered polishing or electropolishing is often utilized to completely remove residues of the polishing media and any defects induced by mechanical grinding, ensuring a pristine surface. In this study, we...
The CSNS-II superconducting Linac accelerator includes 20 sets of 324 MHz superconducting spoke cavities and 24 sets of 648 MHz superconducting Ellipsoidal cavities. The beam energy at the end of the superconducting Linac accelerator reaches 300 MeV. The 324 MHz solid-state power source supplies RF power to superconducting Spoke cavity, while the 648 MHz klystron power source supplies RF power...
The Radio Frequency Protection Interlock (RFPI) system watches over fifty signals near the superconducting cavities cryomodule. Its major role is to recognize faulty situations instantly and drop permits for the Low-Level Radio Frequency control system (LLRF) and Solid State Amplifier (SSA) operation.
The full-scale prototype RFPI is a recent version of the PIP-II dedicated system capable...
SNRC and CEA collaborate to the upgrade of the SARAF accelerator to 5 mA CW 40 MeV deuteron and proton beams (Phase 2). CEA is in charge of the design, construction and commissioning of the linac downstream the existing RFQ (SARAF-LINAC Project).
The MEBT is now installed at SNRC and has been commissioned with both proton (cw) and deuteron (pulsed) beams. Transverse and longitudinal...
Now the stage of the 30 MeV portion of ARIEL (The Advanced Rare Isotope Laboratory) e-Linac (1.3 GHz, SRF) is under commissioning which includes an injector cryomodule (ICM) with a single nine-cell cavity and the 1st accelerator cryomodule (ACM1) with two cavities inside. This paper is focused on the recent advances towards high power operation which includes ICM MRO and Egun RF upgade with...
The UK is conducting a multi-stage project to analyse the case for major investment into XFELs, through either developing its own facility or by investing at existing machines. The project’s 2020 Science Case identified a clear need for ‘next-generation’ XFEL capabilities including near-transform limited x-ray pulses across a wide range of photon energies and pulse durations; evenly spaced...
We have designed a tapered dielectric-lined waveguide for the acceleration of sub-relativistic electron bunches with THz-frequency electromagnetic pulses. We consider an example design based on a commercial 100keV electron gun and a THz generation scheme driven by a mJ-level regenerative amplifier laser system. With a 12μJ THz pulse we simulated acceleration of a 100keV electron bunch to...
Fermilab has optimized the surface processing conditions for PIP-II high beta 650 MHz cavities. This encompasses conditions for bulk electropolishing, heat treatment, nitrogen doping, post-doping final electropolishing, and post-processing surface rinsing. The technology has been effectively transitioned to industry. This paper highlights the efforts made to fine-tune the process and to...
The recent development of advanced black box optimization algorithms has promised order of magnitude improvements in optimization speed when solving accelerator physics problems. These algorithms have been implemented in the python package Xopt, which has been used to solve online and offline accelerator optimization problems at a wide number of facilities, including at SLAC, Argonne, BNL,...
The 65k pixel TimePix3 chip with ToA of 1.5625 [ns] nominal time resolution, allows timing and imaging studies using X-ray, neutron, and electron spectroscopies. The EPICS ADTimePix3 areaDetector** driver enables control and integration into the beamline acquisition system. This presentation will discuss the recent development of the beamline integration of the detector into neutron...
The delivery of high RF power---from hundreds of kW to MW---by klystrons, is linked with a high overall energy consumption. A research programme led by CERN in collaboration with the industry is being conducted to understand what limits klystron efficiency and how to develop high-efficiency klystrons. As a result of this program, two first prototypes of X-band (11.994 GHz) high-efficiency...
The timing system is a critical element in scientific facilities such as particle accelerator or laser ignition installations.
The different subsystems that integrate these scientific facilities need to have a common notion of time. This common time reference is provided by the timing system. Thank to that, it is possible to operate the machine in a time coherent manner and to properly track...